One of my favorite things about The Power Battle is that you can choose to be either Megaman, Protoman, or Bass. They basically all work the same but with a few small differences.

Megaman is the hero in all the Megaman games. He fights to stop the plans of the evil Dr. Wily. He's Megaman, what else can be said.

His size makes dodgeing easy. He is very short and has a slide that puts him VERY low to the ground. He can also have 4 small shots on the screen at once.

Winning strategies:
Use Megaman's size to your advantage. Megaman's strength is in his ability to dodge. Use the high jump to get in a high hit. You can almost always slide under enemies or their shots. If they go low, use the normal or super jump. Use the rapid fire of his small shot. With 4 shots on the screen at a time, you can just keep shooting. Shoot and dodge. You can also power up and dodge, but you'll probably do more damage rapid firing.

Other Stuff:
He IS Megaman. Just play him like you normally would, in any Megaman game. That's what works best.

Protoman is the brother of Megaman. He's a loner. He comes and goes as he pleases. He does only what suits his needs. Sometimes, he helps Megaman out though, because he feels a connection to him. He always carries a powerful defensive shield that blocks all projectiles coming his way.

One word: Speed. Protoman is FAST! His dash is the fastest and can be repeated without stopping. His small shots are the widest.

Winning strategies:
Use that speed! You can easily stay away from any enemy, and blast them at long range. Charge up power while dashing, then you can let loose when you reach the other side of the screen. Keep that up and any enemy will fall in no time!

Other Stuff:
Sorry, you can't use that shield to block. =)

Bass is an evil robot made by Dr. Wily to destroy Megaman. He is still shrouded in mystery. No one clearly knows his intentions, or if he is truly evil. In this game, he battles Wily to prove that he is Wily's greatest creation and that he doesn't need to make any more "junk robots"

Whatever the other guys don't have, he's got.

Winning strategies:
Just be careful of his dash, it brings him up off the ground and can put you in more danger than you were in originally.