Hi, welcome to the Screenshot of the Day Hall of Fame!
I have a new screenshot every day, but some just stand out above the rest, and they get a spot here, in the hallowed halls of...... uhh... fame. These are the best of the best, the ones I thought were the coolest, and very few make it here, so, enjoy!
August Shots
My first SS of the day ever, so it's a classic
Dr. Wily escapes, yet again!
Now how are we gonna get that thing down from there?
Megaman inadvertantly rips a portal into another dimension
September Shots
Reader: Wow.........Cutman 2!
Dr. Wily unleashes his diabolical remote controlled eraser
This one's just plain weird
I had to blast the thing, just to get a gumball!
October Shots
Megaman: Darn! I knew I shouldn't have stopped to get that hot dog!
And the jumping contest began......
Megaman: MMMMMF! Translation: "Quit shooting me in the mouth!"
If you're Rush, prove it!
Careful with that lightning, you could put someone's eye out!
November Shots
Megaman: I've been in this pose for 2 hours and they still won't tell me what I got!
Megaman: Whoa! Gutsman! Lay off the beans!!
Bubbleman trains for the rodeo
Megaman: Nope, he just ain't gonna fit in that portal
Megaman wonders if he's ready for this battle.....
December Shots
Elecman: I've been blasting at him for hours and he doesn't get hit! Maybe I need glasses.....
Apparently, Mr. X has faild a few spelling bees in his time....
Shadowman: I pay 50 bucks to get in here and what do I get? A soccer ball right in my windshield! This is the last time I do a cameo, yeesh.
January Shots
Megaman: ...........AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!
Burnerman: Show me what ya got, monkey!!!!
The servebots continue their crime spree by robbing the police...
February Shots
Metalman: Hey, where's Flashman?
Crashman: I think I saw an ice cream truck go by.....
Heatman: Oh, that explains it.
Woodman: Ice cream?
Bubbleman: There's ice cream?
Airman: Ice cream? Where!?!?!
Quickman: We get ice cream??? COOL!
Metalman: Sigh.....
Megaman: Hey! What a rip!
Megaman: Hahaha! See ya at the finish line!!
Dove: Grrrr....
Crash: I'll show him! *throw*
Well, that's it for this month, hope ya liked em!